10 things you need to know about Huawei’s Developer Programme

Huawei Mobile Services South Africa recently announced the launch of its local Developer Programme, Shining-Star, which is also being implemented in other markets. This programme focuses on partnering with enterprises, educational institutions and individual developers to use Huawei infrastructure to develop apps and other technological tools. Shining-Star will empower local developers, as it gives them free access to resources that are essential for innovation and building apps.

Here are the 10 things that you need to know about Huawei’s Developer Programme:

1. All developers are eligible:

There are no restrictions on who or which type of app developer may join the programme. Established programmers, as well as up and coming programmers, who are still learning and passionate about app development, are welcome to participate.

2. App developers have access to HMS Core and HMS capabilities:

HMS Core is a collection of core kit services for Development, Growth and Business, such as Account Kit, Scan Kit, Wallet Kit and Map Kit. These kits provide developers with all-scenario capability open access to the HMS Ecosystem, with a clear focus on application innovation.

3. Developers can grow business from their apps:

The developer programme is based on the premise that developers should earn an income for their creativity and innovation. The HMS Wallet Kit facilitates easier payment and digital card management. This simplifies the process of in-app purchases and allows users to pay for apps easily.

4. Access to a digital advertising platform:

Huawei Ads, is an end-to-end digital advertising platform that supports real-time transactions. Huawei Ads has built a complete advertising system architecture, dedicated to providing developers with full self-service intelligent business conversion capabilities. Developers who incorporate ads in their apps are able to earn revenue from these ads.

5. Developers have access to global markets:

Over 570 million people in 170 countries are monthly active users of Huawei mobile devices. The apps that are developed by local programmers can be made available to Huawei users all over the world. This global access to markets potentially gives South African developers the opportunity to share their apps with millions of people.

6. Huawei offers developers support:

Key resources such as API reference, development guides and sample code assist are also part of Shining-Star. These support structures ensure that developers are given more than just access to HMS ecosystem; they also have support resources that provide guidance in the app development process.

7. Developers are supported by DigiX Labs:

DigiX Labs will provide additional support to developers. With eight DigiX Labs in 6 main regions, the support to developers includes device testing, experience of capability development and user experience. DigiX services are also remotely accessible to developers.

8. The HMS platform is compliant with global privacy frameworks:

The Huawei device global privacy compliance framework complies with the Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP) released by the AICPA/CICA; the European GDPR-General Data Protection Regulations; as well as local laws and regulations. The apps created through the developer programme will have compliance certificates.

9. Quick and easy access to the developer platform:

The Account Kit helps developers by providing unified access to the distribution of apps for all devices. This also enables users to log in new apps quickly and easily.

10. The developer platform is secure:

The app development platform has a unique developer identity verification system that features a four-layer detection mechanism to ensure app security. Developers will also have post-release app inspection and a mechanism for user feedback. Four-layer detection includes security vulnerability scanning, privacy check, malicious behaviour detection and a real-name security check.

App developers with a completed app can visit https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/ or contact the Huawei SA Business Development team on developersa@huawei.com to find out how Huawei can support them.

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