Keep your children entertained and learning while at home with these cool apps

Being home-bound is the new normal for people the world over, and a reality we all have to get used to. But although we know staying home is the best way to stay safe, we can’t help but miss our old lives when there were more things to do and places to go. 

Luckily, we have our smartphones to keep us busy. Imagine isolation before the digital era. Exactly – things could be worse. So as long as you’ve got a smartphone in your hand and a suite of Huawei apps, there is no excuse to be bored during the lockdown.

HUAWEI AppGallery enables you to keep doing many of the things you’re used to doing, but in a different way. One of the significant aspects of our lives that has changed during lockdown is children being able to go to school. This has had a big impact on children (and their parents!). Some schools have opted for distance learning, with the assistance of virtual teaching and parent tutoring, while others are simply not able to offer that service.

D6 School Communicator App

The Department of Basic Education may extend the break from schooling and adopt a phased-in approach until July, which means that many children will not have access to the formal education they’re used to for a while. This makes it even more critical for parents and students to be aware of the developments at their school while the education system navigates a way around the rest of the schooling calendar.  The “D6 School Communicator” app, which can be found in HUAWEI AppGallery, enables better school-parent communication. As a parent, you can easily stay in touch with the school with just a few swipes. D6 School Communicator provides homework, news, events, as well as other useful resources.

In addition, staying at home does not have to be a boredom sentence for children, nor does it mean they have to sacrifice learning entirely. It’s very important to keep the younger ones’ minds engaged in this period of little physical and social activity. HUAWEI AppGallery has a variety of children’s apps that will keep them entertained, while also learning. That way, you can keep them busy, while you’re focusing on working from home.

Jellipop Match App
Kahoot! App

For example, the “Jellipop Match” app in HUAWEI AppGallery is a casual, match-3 puzzle game with missions to be fulfilled on each fascinating level. The app has sugary-sweet graphics and smooth controls so it’s fun for children – they won’t even know they’re learning while playing! There’s also the “Kahoot!” app – a game-based learning platform with multiple-choice quizzes that make it fun to learn subjects for all ages. 

K53 South Africa App

During this time at home, it’s also important to plan for life post-lockdown. With this in mind, there’s the “K53 South Africa” app, which helps teenagers prepare for taking their learners and drivers license tests. Seizing this downtime to learn the rules of the road is ideal for teenagers wanting a bit of independence when they no longer have to stay at home 24/7.

Being home-bound is definitely being made easier by our mobile devices. Our smartphones have proven invaluable in keeping us productive and sane. Indeed, a lot can still be accomplished during this uncertain period. Thanks to mobile platforms like HUAWEI AppGallery, you can also make the staying at home experience a much better one for you and your children.

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