Nokia has some tips on striking the balance between being free and being responsible during your holiday

(Virtually) bring your loved ones along for the ride, by ensuring they are with you every step of the way with the Namola Family Safety feature that allows you to permanently share your location with your nearest and dearest. By them being able to share their location with you, and you with them, Family Safety gives everyone the peace-of-mind to know they are safe, and the power to have information at hand should you need to help them out.

You can also have the benefit of feeling right at home, wherever you are with the Namola app, South Africa’s leading emergency response solution. When you’re in your neighbourhood, you might know exactly who to reach out to in time of need and know to post on your community WhatsApp group about any security concerns, but the moment your wheels start turning on the long open road, that comfort fades. To ensure you know who to reach out to, wherever you are, download the free Namola app that provides 24-hour emergency assistance. And to ensure there is no time wasted in an emergency – make sure to complete your profile, test the app, save it on your home screen for easy access, and switch on your location settings.

Know where you’re going

Some people believe that not planning allows for the freedom to be spontaneous, but lack of planning could mean that you don’t even know what you don’t know – there might be a highly celebrated night market at your holiday destination, or must-see viewing deck on-route.

Having the right device could help take the pressure off; like the newly launched Nokia 7.2 that comes with the updated Google Assistant function that provides you with your own personal assistant at the touch of a button. Your Assistant learns and adapts with every use – so, you can do more with your life by doing less with your phone. This makes it easy to pre-plan your holiday to-do lists, set reminders for any last-minute holiday shopping, or flag best-to-avoid spots based on reviews or news sites.

Know how to get there

Whether you’re heading home for the holidays or exploring new horizons, technology can hugely simplify the journey. From finding alternative routes to cut down on traveling time to identifying the right time to leave home to reach your destination at a desired time, or adding a pitstop to ensure you take time to enjoy the drive and see the best of what your surroundings have on offer – Google Maps is more than navigation gold; it is any traveler’s BFF that takes the uncertainty of the open road out of the equation, and piles on the fun… all you need to do is ask.

Have a back-up plan

Most South Africans associate adventure with disconnectedness as those little signal bars on your phone often dropping as the city disappears behind you. Don’t hang your hat on the comfort of connectivity alone… Google Maps app allows you to download maps offline straight to your device, while Namola offers a completely standalone panic button for any situation where you cannot access your phone.

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